“When we are no longer capable of changing a situation, we face the challenge of changing ourselves.” Viktor E. Frankl
Inspiration and change, both large and small, are possible, but not if it’s expected to happen automatically, from “above”, or because of magic.
While it’s understandable to view inspiration and change from this perspective, and thus wait either for things or the others to change, the problem I have with this viewpoint is that it leads us to give up the power each of us has to inspire and change things for the better. In other words, power is not about our position, but about our ability to contribute meaningfully and be valued.
Consider, for example, those times when we’re given advice by our doctors for how we can improve our health. How many of us openly embrace the changes to our lifestyle that we’re being told to make? Most often we don’t, that is until our health deteriorates to the point where we no longer have the choice but to follow our doctor’s directives.
Is this tough to do? Absolutely, it is not about doing what is easy or popular, but doing the right thing. We have to be ready to commit to dedicating our talents, our insights, and our drive to help ourselves and those around us to be better than we are today by being our own best self.
In fact, when we shift our perception from one where we think we need to wait for others to change, to one where we view ourselves as being the vehicle that can bring forth the change we want to see, it becomes easier for us to care even more about why we do what we do. By making this conscious perceptual shift in how we view and understand our own life, we end up increasing our own commitment to making things better, to transforming our reality from what is to what could be.
And that’s what it’s all about isn’t it? Live a better life, full, with purpose and meaning…
Living a better life might seem impossible for many, but it´s within reach of anybody. On many occasions we don´t, simply due to lack of awareness, attention, training, evaluation and adequate communication, with ourselves and with others. All being factors within our own responsibility and field of action.
If you want to delve into this topic and learn how to close the integrity or identity gap and change your reality from “what is to what could be “, I invite you to get directo al grano.
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