Before continuing, I want to emphasize again that my services are not and do not work for everyone.
Hard work and introspection with another human being can make you feel uncomfortable at times. And of course it can be expensive.
But once you have started and as you progress through the process, you will be able to identify your goals more clearly and achieve them more easily.
My clients experience significant advances that lead them to challenge, refine, resignify and make changes in the way they think, feel and act, resulting in better and more remarkable results in their careers, relationships, happiness and quality of life. If you want to start a life-changing experience, find out how to do it during a personal strategy call.
Thank you very much and see you soon.
EXISTENTiam Counseling, Coaching & Mentoring
Bernhard Schieber
Avenida del Monte, 56
Torrelodones, Madrid
info@existentiam.org | +34 633 218 005
Newsletter Subscription
I could try to express my good wishes in many words, but one of the most important is welcome! to this small existential space and I hope you enjoy reading its contents. If you want to find out more about me, the way to approach the work, or the programs, please do not hesitate to contact me.
If you are interested in the contents of the blog and want to read more, my intention is to add between two and three contributions per week, as well as the writing and sending of a small magazine-style newsletter every two weeks, I invite you to subscribe.
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