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Cogito ergo sum – I think therefore I exist, or I think, therefore, I am who I think I am?

“”… if he who sees perceives that he sees, and he who hears that he hears, and he who walks that he walks, and in the case of all other activities similarly there is something which perceives that we are active, so that if we perceive, we perceive that we perceive, and if we think, that we think; and if to perceive that we perceive or think is to perceive that we exist…” Aristotle.

Without going deeply into the origins of Descartes’ phrase that represents a fundamental concept of Western rationalism, or if it was really Aristotle who first tried to define reality through the use of reason, it is undeniable that this phrase, “cogito ergo sum” transcends beyond its literal meaning or interpretation.
In my understanding, we could use two other phrases or quotes that better describe the process of how we come to be who we are, or rather, if we really are what we think and that in turn, can be merged into one, combining Western philosophy with the Oriental. In relation to the following quotes, I would like to emphasize that, despite their similarity, they are not the same. I consider it essential to complement and expand them, especially at present, in these times of “todo valegoes>”.

On the one hand, the phrase of Mahatma Gandhi, Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny, and on the other that of Lao Tzu, Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”

At this point, it only remains for me to add that we are the result of our actions, which in turn are the consequence of the choices and decisions we make, which in turn have their origin in our knowledge and convictions, which in turn they are born from our consciousness.

So deep down we are neither more nor less than what we are aware of.

Developing and installing healthy habits, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual is a very easy task.
Nevertheless, many of us try and fail relentlessly. This doesn´t have to be like that. Habits can be trained and untrained, and yes, it´s most rewarding. All we have to do is to do it, with awareness, attention, training, discipline, responsibility, evaluation and adequate communication, with ourselves and with others. All being factors within our own responsibility and field of action.

Your results are a direct consequence of your actions and these, in turn, have their origin in your decisions, which are not only conditioned, but also determined by your perspective, which is nothing more than a reflection of what you are aware of.

If you want to delve into this topic and learn how easy it can be to “install a new habit” and the secret behind “if you habit, you have it”, I invite you to get straight to the point.

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Me considero simplemente una persona inquieta, curiosa, con algunas virtudes y muchos defectos.

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